
报名入口来源:中国教育在线 2020-08-21














点击查看答案27.【参考答案】 (1)《义务教育数学课程标准(2011版)》中“四能”的内容是发现和提出问题的能力、分析和解决问题的能力。在数学中,发现结论常常比证明结论更重要,创新性的成果往往始于问题,问题解决的全过程是发现、提出、分析、解决问题。“四能”体现了对学生创新意识与创新能力培养的要求。 (2)知识与技能:通过量、剪、拼等活动发现、证实三角形内角和是180°,并会应用这一知识解决生活中简单的实际问题。 过程与方法:经历观察、猜想、验证的过程,提升自身动手操作及推理、归纳总结的能力。 情感态度与价值观:在参与学习的过程中,感受数学的魅力,体验成功的喜悦,激发学习数学的兴趣。 (3)(一)新课导入 游戏导入:在图形的王国中,爆发了一场关于“三角形内角和的大小”的激烈的争吵。钝角三角形、锐角三角形、直角三角形都说自己的内角和最大。 顺势引出题目——三角形的内角和。 (二)新课探究 1.猜想三角形的内角和 画几个不同类型的三角形。量一量,算一算,三角形3个内角的和各是多少度?同桌之间相互量一量,交流一下。 提问:通过测量,你们发现了什么? 2.操作、验证一般三角形的内角和是180°。 提问:是不是所有的三角形的内角和都是180°,如何验证呢? (1)剪拼的方法验证 分组进行剪拼。先把一个三角形的三个角剪下来,再拼一拼,拼成一个平角。 (2)汇报验证结果 提问:通过验证,我们得出什么结论? 三角形的三个内角拼在一起是一个平角,得出三角形内角和是180°。 (三)巩固提高 1.解决导入中的问题。 3.把这两个完全一样的直角三角形拼组在一起,得到的新三角形的内角和是多少度? (四)小结作业 小结:这节课你都学习了哪些内容?三角形内角和定理的推导过程体现了哪种数学思想方法? 作业:通过本节课的学习,课后思考一下四边形的内角和是多少度? 28.(1) ①老师应当与学生建立融洽的感情,用良好的师生关系激发学生的学习兴趣。 ②发挥学生学习的主动性,让他们主动去学习,提高他们学习英语的兴趣。 ③创设良好的英语学习环境,使学生能够在合适的情境中进行英语学习 ④给予学生听力方法指导,培养学生良好的听力习惯。 ⑤重视学生对于英语背景知识的学习。 (2) 在教学过程中我会使用任务教学法、情景教学法以及交际教学法。任务教学法让学生带着任务去听听力,抓取必要的信息。使用情景教学法能够激发学生学习英语的兴趣,以及帮助学生学会在适当的情景运用合适的语言。通过交际教学法学生能够积极参与课堂,达到练习口语的目的。 I’ll mainly use“ Task-based teaching approach”,“ Situational Language teaching method”, and “ Communicative language teaching method ” as teaching methods, through the first approach, students can grasp the information quickly. And through the second method, students’ interest can be aroused and they can master the language in specific situation. And using “Communicative language teaching method ” enables students to take part in activities actively and practice their spoken English. (3) Pre-listening (1) Show some pictures of food and ask students “what’s this in English”. (2) Ask students what kind of food do they like in daily life. (Justification: Through these two activities, some words of food can be reviewed and students can make a better preparation for the following listening.) While-listening (1) let students listen to the tape for the first time, after listening, they’re required to answer the question “where are they? ( they are at the shop.) (Justification: Through this activity, students can have a basic understanding of the situation, and their listening skill of extensive listening can be practiced.) (2) Students are required to listen to the tape again to find out more detailed information. The questions are: ①What would the mum like? ( tomatoes, eggs, potatoes, carrots) ②which two kinds of food can make soup?( tomatoes and eggs) ③What would kitty like?( candy and orange juice) ④How much do these food cost?( Thirty yuan) (Justification: through activity, students will master the dialogue in detail and their ability of grasping specific information can be improved.) Post-listening (1) Divide students in several groups and named them with star, sun, moon and so on. Then one student in each group acts as a reporter to interview others “what would you like “, and finally report to all of students. (2) Invite some students to have a performance of shopping at the shop in their own words. (Justification: These two activities enable students to learn English in a more interesting way, and they can understand how to use the sentences in a proper situation. Through which, they can take part in activities actively and their spoken English also can be enhanced.)
中国教育在线教师资格证频道为广大考生提供 《政治学科知识与能力(初中)》模拟试题总汇等相关资讯。
中国教育在线教师资格证频道为广大考生提供 《语文学科知识与能力(初中)》模拟试题总汇等相关资讯。



